Tried & Tested

On trial: LG’s OLED C3 television

Daniel Fowler,-Contributing Writer

Goodbye, social life. I’ve got a new best friend. And this one doesn’t judge me for staying in

It isn’t controversial to say that LG knows how to make a good TV. It’s been making OLED ones for more than 10 years, with last year’s C2 winning more awards than I care to list. So it shouldn’t really come as a surprise that the C3 is something special.

How does the picture compare on the LG OLED C3?

It’s no secret that LG OLED displays are the gold standard when it comes to TVs, but even still, I’ve yet to watch something on the C3 and not do my best Owen Wilson ‘wow’ halfway through. And this is coming from someone whose prior TV was a 2020 QLED from Samsung. I tried out the 55-inch model but LG has a range of sizes.

It’s got all your standard bits – 4K, HDR, Dolby Vision and the like, but the C3’s party piece has to be the Brightness Booster. Dark scenes are now packed with details you’d otherwise miss – fabulous news if, like me, you were looking for an excuse to rewatch The Last of Us for the umpteenth time. 

And if you really want that extra ‘ooh-la-la’, there’s plenty of AI upscaling and enhancing picture tech to play with too.

Image of the LG C3 TV in a house
Image of the side of the LG TV to illustrate how thin it is

How’s the sound?

Punchy – certainly when you consider the screen is literally thinner than my iPhone. You can add a soundbar if you’re really keen for that home-cinema experience, but otherwise, it’s great as is. Dialogue comes out clear, action scenes pack a punch, and it’ll handle every episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race without breaking a sweat. Trust me, I tried it – for research purposes, obviously…

Image of Mandelorian on the TV
Video showing the contents of the package

What’s the LG OLED C3 like for gaming?

I love it. It’s where the C3 really shines. There’s support for almost every conceivable gaming feature on the planet. If you’re nerdy like me, you’ll know how much of a godsend 120Hz refresh rates and NVIDIA G-Sync compatibility are, but for anyone in the dark, just know this means you get buttery-smooth visuals, improved responsiveness and crystal-clear graphics.

Oh, and shoutout to the Game Optimizer menu. It puts a dizzying selection of game-related settings right at your fingertips so you don’t have to fumble with too many menus mid-game.

What’s it like to use?

Honestly, I’m a big fan. It’s super quick to turn on, menus are snappy from the off, and there’s hardly any delay in switching from one app to another.

The initial setup took a bit longer than I would have liked, but that’s more just me being nostalgic for the days of plug-and-play TVs. And I may have been so excited to use it I forgot to look at the instructions…

My one (albeit minor) gripe would be the remote. It’s a real Marmite job. LG kitted it out with a mouse-like cursor that’s meant to be used instead of your usual navigation pad. Unique, sure, but it’s a precision-requiring irritant I would rather avoid. It’s almost impossible to click the button to select without inadvertently rotating the scroll wheel – something that’s true even when I use the navigation pad instead.

Also, would it have killed them to put a play/pause button somewhere on the remote?

Does it look good?

I’m not sure I’d ever be prepared to call a TV sexy, but the C3 changes you. There’s just something so satisfying about its impossibly thin design. All four HDMI ports are easily accessible, neatly tucked around the back, and the sloping slab of a stand looks like it belongs in the Tate, let alone my dingy flat.

How much does the LG OLED C3 cost?

Well… it’s currently a hefty £1,499. Crazy expensive, but still, crazy good. And as someone much wiser than I once said, ‘Spend money where you spend the most time.’

The metrics that matter
Image of 4 sofa emojis
Sofa glueingMy desire to do anything but binge series after series has disappeared – and I’m all the happier for it. The outside world’s overrated anyway. I for one welcome my transformation into a hermit.
Image of 3 brain emojis
SmartnessYes, it’s a ‘smart TV’. And all the AI features built in are great. But the menus do sometimes feel busier than a cat convention hosted by a laser-pointer company. Still, just like our feline friends, you do get your reward at the end.
Image of 5 rocket emojis
FuturisticPeople, we are living in the future. Right here, right now. Even Back to the Future didn’t predict it would be this good. I'm half-expecting a hoverboard delivery any day now.

Any final words?

If you’re replacing your old TV, this one is the best bang-for-buck out there. There’s a reason I’ve recommended it to three different family members already.

None of us are perfect – even Pedro Pascal has his flaws – and the C3’s no different. But would I still choose it knowing everyone who comes round is going to go ‘Oh my god, your TV is AMAZING’? Absolutely. 

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